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About Aldi

Number of Employees: 10K+

Headquarters: 7505 Metro Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55439-0286

Aldi is a discount supermarket chain with 9,000 stores across 18 countries. The company was founded in 1946 and is headquartered in Essen, Germany. It is a discount store with a fairly plain looking interior but a wide selection of high quality products at very low prices. Aldi is one of the world's larget privately owned corporations. In Germany, Aldi operations include 35 Aldi Nord regional companies with 2,500 stores along with Aldi Sud's 31 regional groups that oversee 1,600 stores. Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud are split between the company's founding brothers, Karl and Theo Albrecht. Each has a unique geographic foothold in Germany and operates totally independently of the other. Aldi is a shortened version of the brothers' last name, Albrecht. Certain Aldi locations are able to sell items cheaply because they charge customers for shopping bags and skimp on in-store displays and other unnecessary niceties. Their customers welcome the savings. Aldi stores carry staples like food, beverages, sanitary items and sundry household items. The shelves contain name brand items as well as items made by Aldi.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Aldi employees enjoy the good pay, benefits and opportunity to advance at Aldi. Complaints are likely to include work-life balance and heavy workload. Aldi holds application and on-the-spot hiring events several times a year. Applicants can also apply online. Interviews can be on-the-spot at hiring events with more detailed interviews occurring later if you are fortunate enough to have your application put in the 'keep' pile. Interviews include typical interview questions. Benefits at Aldi include health insurance, accidental death & dismemberment insurance, dental insurance, 401k plan, maternity and paternity leave, military leave, vacation and other paid days off, sick days, free lunch or snacks and professional development.

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