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About Barnes & Noble

Number of Employees: 17K+

Headquarters: 3630 S. Geyer Road Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63127

Barnes & Noble is the largest bookseller in the United States. The company has 661 locations across all 50 states along with 700 college bookstores. It was founded in Wheaton, Illinois in 1873. It first operated as a printing business and later turned into a bookseller. Its first bookstore debuted in New York City in 1917. The company's headquarters is still in New York City, New York. Customers flock to Barnes & Noble for books, digital media, newspapers, magazines, DVDs, music, games, graphic novels, tablets and Nook eReaders.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Company employees like the flexible hours, employee discount and great working environment, but not the extensive duties for the pay they earn. Applications at Barnes & Nobles are available online or in person. Interview questions are general interview questions. Benefits include generous employee discount, health and dental insurance, 401k, maternity and paternity leave, vacation and sick days and professional development.

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