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About Hooters

Number of Employees: 120K+

Headquarters: 3 Ravinia Dr Ste 100 Atlanta, GA 30346

Hooters is a popular American chain restaurant with 430 locations. The company's name refers to both its characteristic owl logo as well as the physical features of its typically well endowed waitresses. The restaurant's slogan is "Delightfully Tacky, Yet Unrefined". It was founded in Clearwater, Florida in 1983 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Hooters' parent company is Chanticleer Holdings, Inc. Hooters' menu features standard American fare like chicken wings, steaks, burgers and seafood. Nearly all Hooters restaurants have alcoholic beverage licenses to sell beer, wine and liquor. Locations often have t-shirts, sweatshirts and various Hooters branded souvenirs for sale.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Hooters employees like their co-workers, the training program and the fun work environment, at least initially. Complaints from employees typically includes sexist comments, limited advancement for women, few, if any raises and management's failure to recognize store level employees, along with poor benefits. Application is in-person or online. The interview process is in-person and may include 2-3 interviews with different level management employees. Questions are standard interview questions. Benefits are not listed.

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