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About IGA

Number of Employees: Not Available

Headquarters: 8745 W Higgins Road, Suite 350 Chicago, IL 60631

IGA is U.S.-based franchise model grocery store with operations in over 30 countries. IGA was founded in May 1926 when J. Frank Grimes organized a group of 100 independent grocers in New York and Connecticut into one cooperative called the Independent Grocers Alliance. Many existing stores thrive in small towns and cities and are independently family-owned and operated, thus the "Hometown Proud Supermarkets" slogan. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, the Alliance monitors brand products, advertising, and training programs for the member stores, along with the delivery and distribution of the product lines. IGA is often very active in local charitable events in their home communities.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Half of employees felt that the interview process was a positive one, and the other half rated it as neutral. Over half received their jobs by applying in person and experienced an easy interview within a very short period of time after applying. While most employees appear to enjoy their coworkers and the owner/managers, a common complaint is the lack of upward mobility and limited opportunity for advancement due to the small, family-owned business model.

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Loss Prevention Associate

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