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About Luby's

Number of Employees: 8K+

Headquarters: 13111 Northwest Freeway Suite 600 Houston, TX 77040

Luby's is a down home, cafeteria style restaurant chain operating over 90 locations within Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Customers of Luby's cafeteria can choose from over 18 entrees and 20 sides; including tilapia, chicken fried steak, meatloaf, cheese enchiladas, home style pot pie, macaroni and cheese, broccoli, roasted mixed vegetable, mashed potatoes, and more?all based on original employee recipes and prepared fresh, on site. Customers are served by friendly staff at the counter and dine at their convenience in an open, comfortably lit room. Luby's Inc. also operates over 60 Fuddruckers and 20 Cheeseburger in Paradise full service restaurants and manages food services at 21 dining locations within healthcare, higher education, and corporate facilities.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Luby's interviewees applied for management and server positions and reported mainly a positive experience. Some applied online and others went to a physical location to submit an application. The interview consisted of questions related to cleanliness and sanitation standards, food quality control and organization. Pay negotiation may be considered based on experience. The interview-to-hire time frame is quick for most of the successful candidates.

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