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About WinCo Foods

Number of Employees: 72K+

Headquarters: 2929 Walker Ave., NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544-9424

WinCo Foods is an employee owned supermarket chain with stores in Texas, Arizona, Washington, California, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. It was previously called Waremart Food Centers and Cub Foods. WinCo Foods has 93 stores along with 4 distribution centers. The company employs 14,200 people. Most of the organization is owned by former and current employees by way of an employee stock ownership plan. The company accredits its success to the streamlining of its purchases through its direct buying program with farmers and manufacturers. The company also refuses to accept credit cards and provide bags. WinCo stores are a bit plain in terms of aesthetics but the money that the company could spend on elaborate displays and decorations is passed onto its employees and customers through higher wages and lower product prices.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Employees like their flexible schedule, ability to talk to management and their pay. They do not like the sometimes-messy duties or limited advancement opportunities. The application process is online or in person. Interviews are in-person with general questions being asked. Benefits not listed.

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