Online Tools to Help Build Your Resume
The first thing a prospective employer sees when considering you for a job is your resumé. A good resumé can cause the employer to bump to the top of the list and give you priority over other candidates. On the other hand, if your resumé isn't impressive, the employer may never even offer you an interview. For this reason, it is essential to perfect this important document. Fortunately, there are several online tools that can help you build a high quality resumé.
One of the best sites for resumé building is CareerBuilder. CareerBuilder offers both free and paid resumé services. If you choose to take advantage of the site's free service, you can upload your resumé and one of CareerBuilder's resumé experts will evaluate it and provide you with feedback. Using the paid service, one of the site's resumé experts will work with you to create your resumé from scratch. Prices range from $175 to $279, depending on the type of document you need.
How To Write a Resumé
Another good tool for resumé building is HowToWriteAResumé. This site features a complete resumé creation tool that will collect your information and use it to form the document from scratch. Unfortunately, the site only offers one format for free, but you can access other formats for only $10.99. If you already have a draft of your resumé, HowToWriteAResumé provides a lot of tips and expert advice you can use to improve the document before submitting it to a potential employer.
Yet another good site you can use to make a resumé is On the site's resumé page, you can find advice for creating a resumé, as well as well-done resumé samples. You can also use Monster's resumé writing service to hire an expert that will write your resumé for you. However, this service is not free. Depending on the type of resumé you need, the price will range anywhere from $140 to as much as $400.
If you want to use a free service to build your resumé from the ground up, Razume is the way to go. This service offers a free resumé builder that creates your resumé based on information you input into the system. If you already have a resumé, you can upload it, but the rest of the service will work better if you use the resumé builder. After your resumé is complete, you can submit the document to the Razume community for feedback.
Resumé Social
If you just want feedback on a resumé you have already created, you can visit Resumé Social. On this site, you can upload your resumé, choose the industry you wish to work in, and allow members of the community to critique your document. You can also search through other community members' resumés and make comments. However, the community on Resumé Social is somewhat small.
Visual CV
One of the best sites with a lot of great features for resumé building is VisualCV. VisualCV allows you to link your account to a LinkedIn profile. If your LinkedIn profile includes your work history or other relevant information, it will automatically be added to VisualCV. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, you can input relevant information manually. After you input your information, VisualCV will create a standard resumé. It will also allow you to add pictures and YouTube videos.